Division | LL Age Group | LPLL Age Group | Game Length | Field Dimensions/ Field (s) | Pitching | Player Participation | Special Rules |
Juniors, Seniors | Older players (13+) | Older players (14+) | 7 innings | 60/90 at French Field | Player pitching | More reps on a larger field to prepare for middle school, high school, or club ball | Games on weekends to avoid conflicts with school ball |
Intermediate | Age 11-13 | Age 13 | 7 innings | 50/70 at Field 1 at Palmer Park | Player pitching with leads & steals allowed | High-scoring, fast-paced games; playoffs with Lower Perk teams | Games under lights to avoid conflicts with middle school; the season ends with District 27 tournament |
Majors | Age 10-12 | Age 11-12 | 6 innings | 50/70 at Field 1 at Palmer Park | Player pitching, with leads, steals during rec season | All players must play a minimum of 4 innings: continuous batting order for all players | Double elimination or round-robin playoffs; many night games under lights |
American League | Age 5-12 | Age 10 | 6 innings | Field 1 & Field 2 at Palmer Park | Player pitching, steals of home | All players must play a minimum of 4 innings: continuous batting order for all players | Standard Little League rules; all players bat in order; great division for developing skills, playoffs |
National League West | Age 9 | 6 innings | Field 8 & Field 2 at Palmer Park | Player pitching, stealing 2nd & 3rd | All players must play a minimum of 4 innings: continuous batting order for all players | Exciting, fast-paced; great for skill development or newer players looking to get up to speed, playoffs |
National League East | Age 8 | 6 innings | Field 8 & Field 6 at Palmer Park | Coach pitch (1st quarter of season); player pitching with no walk rule (remaining of the season) | All players must play a minimum of 4 innings: continuous batting order for all players | Introduction to competitive games, keep score, Pitching development during season, playoffs |
AAA | Age 7 | 6 innings | Field 7 & Field 6 at Palmer Park | Coach pitch (first half season); player pitching with 3-strike rule (second half of season) | All players play the field; continuous batting order for all players | No score kept, Maximum 6 pitches per batter from coach; adult pitch if batter doesn’t reach base after 6 pitches |
Pony | Age 6 | 3 innings | Field 4 at Palmer Park | Coach pitch / Tee hitting with no strike outs, every player hits | All players bat & play the field each inning | Maximum 6 pitches per batter from coach; tee hitting for players who don’t reach base after 6 pitches |
Tee Ball | Age 4-7 | Age 4-5 | 3 innings | Tee Ball Field 3 | Tee hitting, every player hits | All players bat and run the bases each inning | Great for learning the basics and having fun |